Welcome to Gilde!

Our brewery is a true slice of Hanover. Our roots extend back to 1546, deep into the history of this city. You could say that tradition is important to us, though even more important to us is brewing top-notch beers. We revel in making use of sweeping innovations and are delighted that our new product range can now be enjoyed in its home town and beyond. Have a taste yourself!

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Bottle caps for jerseys!

Collect Gilde bottle caps
and win fully flock-printed
sets of Jako jerseys for your team! All the information


Our new beer specialty with a nutty, powerful aroma and a light caramel note.

All the informations.



Gilde Kräuter Radler

Ein frisch-spritziges Biermischgetränk aus 50% Bier und 50% Kräuterlimonade verfeinert mit dem einmaligen Geschmack von Holunderblüte und Alm-Kräutern.